Australia’s only nationally recognised air conditioning hygiene course Be fully trained by industry professionals – Airhygiene Training

Expand your business or career with Airhygiene Training

Demand for air conditioning and split system cleaners is continually increasing. Complete our nationally recognised air conditioning hygiene course to add this lucrative service to your qualifications.

Why enrol for a Certificate II in Airconditioning Hygiene?

Airhygiene Training is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) focused exclusively on the development and delivery of industry-led air conditioning hygiene courses. Our qualified and industry-experienced air conditioning technicians teach students the knowledge and skills required to successfully expand their existing business, begin their startup or enhance your career with air conditioning cleaning.

Gaining a Cert 2 Air Conditioning Hygiene qualification can open up a whole new world of business and career opportunity for you.

HVAC Industry Professionals

Our trainers are HVAC trade qualified and have extensive experience in the air conditioning hygiene industry.

Accredited membership

Receive a free membership to the Australian Split Systems Cleaners Association upon successful completion.

UEE32211 coming online soon. Express your interest now ...

Learn from the aircon cleaning pros!

Upgrade your skills with our top 3 secrets to professional-grade aircon cleaning. Learn how the pros get the job done – quickly, efficiently, profitably.

Tap into a new market by completing an air conditioning course that focuses on hygiene.

You’ve found it! Airhygiene Training’s Cert 2 in Airconditioning Hygiene opens new doors for business owners and entrepreneurs.

Homeowners and businesses demand clean, healthy air – and aircon cleaners are in short supply. This nationally recognised qualification exclusively developed by Airhygiene Training is designed specifically to address this skills shortage, creating lucrative opportunities for existing businesses and individuals alike.
